Why a 1-to-1 Development Workshop Might Be For You

In: BlogDate: Jan 22, 2024By: Nicky Stone

I recently met with one of my clients in our second one-to-one workshop together, where we discussed her progress since our last session together. These words were music to my ears!

“I feel so empowered and things are moving in the right direction.” - Manisha Gandotra, IKWRO

Our vision at Happy is to create joy at work and hearing those words bought joy to me, and I could see the change in her experience was starting to bring joy to her too. As a facilitator and coach at Happy I am lucky to have experiences like this quite often and it gives me a great sense of purpose in my work.

In this blog, Happy's senior facilitator Nicky Stone goes over some of the positive feedback about our 1-to-1 Development Workshops.

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This outcome was especially positive as it came out of a less ideal situation. Last month I was due to facilitate a Credibility in the Workplace workshop and unfortunately it only had two people booked on it. We know that this does not create a great experience for the individuals – it can be intense being with just one other participant all day and you don’t get that buzz of sharing ideas that you get from a larger group.

Instead, we chose to give our two clients one-to-one time with me. This enabled me to respond to the specific needs of the individuals and tailor the sessions to them. These sessions became a hybrid of coaching and sharing tools and techniques relevant to the development they are seeking. The two clients even opted for different timeframes, one choosing one 2-hour session and the other two 1-hour sessions, a month apart.

While the two clients had booked on the same workshop for their development, Credibility in the workplace, interestingly their requirements were very different. In each one-to-one session, after coaching them to discover the core of the challenge they were facing, I was able to share a different model which they then were able to apply to their context.

For one person it was much more about being able to ask for what they really wanted and confronting their inner people-pleaser, while for the other one it was much more about how to create a psychologically safe dialogue.

For the 1-1 format, I really liked the way that Nicky adapted the course today. She also shared examples that were really interesting and relevant.Gurinder Toor, Government Digital Service

This approach took me back to my IT Trainer days when we used to offer one-to-one trouble-shooting clinics to help people be more efficient in Microsoft Office. These sessions develop people’s skills in a very focused way to target the real problems they are trying to solve. 

At our team meeting, when I shared how well these had gone, I was delighted to hear that my colleague Rachael had also done some one-to-one development workshops recently in one of her specialist areas, project management. A session that had been equally joyful.

…the nature of the session being 121 meant it was personalised completely to my needs. It was the perfect mix of an almost therapeutic review of a past project, mixed with more formal learnings to apply to future ones.Ilyas Wouda-Deshmukh, Able and Cole

So, while we hope our clients know we are always flexible in our approach and open to new ways of working, we thought we would add this to our menu of learning options to encourage people to consider this as they start the new year.

Next Steps

Get in touch with our team if you’d like to arrange a one-to-one development workshop of your own. 

These sessions can be completely tailored around your preferences. You may like just one one-hour session, a longer session or a series of sessions over a period of time. Our facilitators can support you with any of the topics we teach.

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Learn more Personal Development skills in our Workshops

We have developed a range of workshops focused on specific skills that will make your work life happier and more productive. We have both online and classroom options available — both options are fully interactive with discussion and learning from each others' experiences.

Assertiveness is a one-day course that looks at how to become more assertive and get your voice heard. We also run a two-hour workshop. Learn more

Alternatively, you might prefer Assertiveness For Women, a parallel programme for learners who'd feel more comfortable learning in an all-female environment. Learn more

Dealing with Difficult People is a one-day workshop that looks at ways of assessing problems, trying to understand why another person is being 'difficult' and how to resolve such situations. Learn more

View more Personal Development programmes

Why learn online with Happy?

  • Interactive and engaging - just like our classroom sessions
  • Bitesize or full-day sessions - fit around your schedule
  • Learn from home - all you need is a quiet place to call from and an internet connection
  • No quibble money-back guarantee

Nicky Stone

Nicky has been a senior facilitator for over 16 years. Her leadership purpose is to support people to reach their full potential, and this has driven her internally as part of Happy’s senior leadership team. It has enabled her, through her work every day with clients, to facilitate senior leadership programmes and personal development events. Nicky also has a proven track record at leading on large projects and inspiring others as a speaker at conferences.

More by Nicky