Join our movement to create joy at work
Imagine a workplace where people feel trusted, confident with their IT software and have the skills to succeed in their roles.
Wouldn't you want to work there?
Happy will help you achieve it. We are a multi award-winning B Corp, offering workplace consultancy, leadership, personal development and IT software training. Our aim is for your people to find joy in at least 80% of their work.
What we do
IT Courses
Equip your people with the tools to transform the way they work. Choose from our range of IT programmes covering Excel, SharePoint and more, or create your own with our bespoke service.
Leadership and Personal Development
Our programmes foster a culture of trust and freedom, ensuring genuine accountability for front-line staff. We work with your leadership teams to provide the necessary coaching, support and tools to cultivate a joyful work environment and enhance your people's productivity.
Workplace Consultancy
Which areas of your workplace culture are working – and which ones aren’t? We help you to keep the areas of your culture that are working. In areas where your culture needs to improve, we coach and support you to achieve real change.
Apprenticeship Schemes
Invest in your organisation at little or no extra cost through our Apprenticeship schemes. Choose from our range of Leadership programmes (Levels 3, 5 and 7) and our Web Development programmes.
We create digital learning on any subject matter or specialism. Whether it’s formal SCORM packages or online resources, we work with your subject expert to create material that your learners will love.
Conferences & Room Hire
Are you committed to creating a happy and engaged workplace? Our calendar of conferences and networking events are for you. We also offer room hire at our HQ in Aldgate, London.
happy clients
Established in 1987, Happy has helped thousands of organisations to create happy and productive workplaces. Take a look at our case studies to learn more.
Luke Clifton, Group Executive of Macquarie TelecomSince we started our focus on creating a happy workplace, working with Happy, our business has been transformed. Our sales and profits are up, our Net Promoter Score has gone from minus 65 to plus 60, and our share price has more than doubled (in less than two years).