Update on our Drupal Apprentices
We’ve had an amazing start to 2016!
We now have Drupal Apprenticeship groups running in Carlisle, Manchester and London. All groups will be completing the Drupal Web Developer Apprenticeship qualification.
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Things are looking good, all apprentices have made a great start in their workplaces and on the course.
In Carlisle, Cameron is an apprentice at Hydrant and is making himself useful… “Recently I have been working on a method of outputting a specific page from a website as a pdf on the servers side, previously if the pdf was too big the user would not be able to see or download it, my new tool allows the server to generate the pdf then the user can download a generated pdf with no wait time and no limit on size.”
In Manchester, Simon is an apprentice at Bliss. In his first week he got stuck into working on projects and feeling part of the team… “I was mostly working on the front-end (of a client’s site). I did a lot of templating, styling and javascript. It was a fairly complex back-end so I had to do a lot of PHP preprocessing to get the information I needed in to the templates.”
In London, Robyn is an apprentice at Catch Digital and is doing this… “At this very moment I’m fixing an issue that we are having with our social media sharing icons on a site. We have three icons on our ‘product’ pages which users can use to share the product information on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest). These icons should just show the logo of the social media platform until the user hovers over the logo with their mouse, after which a little panel should slide out saying “Share”, “Tweet”, or “Pin It” depending on the logo they’re hovering on. At the moment however these icons are showing the logos twice and nothing is happening on the hover state for the Facebook and Twitter logos. So now I’m rebuilding the hover states in CSS. I’m also about to work on a printer-friendly layout for a site’s ‘article’ pages.”
Keep up the good work apprentices!
And big thanks to the employers who have given these young people an amazing opportunity to get a foot on the ladder:
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Claire Lickman
Claire is Head of Marketing at Happy. She has worked at Happy since 2016, and is responsible for Happy's marketing strategy, website, social media and more. Claire first heard about Happy in 2012 when she attended a mix of IT and personal development courses. These courses were life-changing and she has been a fan of Happy ever since. She has a personal blog at lecari.co.uk.
Want to learn more?
Happy has a half-day course, How to Manage Your Email Inbox. This three-hour course is packed full of our best tips and tricks to help you manage your Outlook email inbox effectively.
Our radical approach will help you to feel less overwhelmed by your inbox and have more time for the things that you want to achieve.
Contact us for pricing and availability of private group courses.